My name is Mendy Zaal and I am 26 years old. My passion for travelling began in New Zealand. In my first years of my master Bio-pharmaceutical sciences I decided to be an internship the next year in New Zealand. My boyfriend was eager to come with me to this beautiful country and our adventure began. The six months internship also became 6 extra months of travelling through New Zealand in our own camper van. In total, we were exactly one year in New Zealand, the duration of our visa. The nature in New Zealand is breathtaking and the experiences were undescribable. Camper life showed us what is really important in our lives. The silence of the nature and the fact that you don’t need much stuff to be happy. We notice that there is still a lot to see in Europe which haven’t seen yet, therefore our adventure continues. I want to share this adventure with all of you and show you what life has to offer.
Food is a really important part of my life. It gives me joy and happiness every day. In the past I struggled a lot with my relationship with food, but now I enjoy food more than ever and listen to what my body needs. Personally I eat vegan which is something that makes me happy. To know that there were no animals harmed for my food and being more sustainable is something that gives the food even more love and yumminess. I love good food and that is what you will discover by making my recipes. I love sharing recipes with you and because I live in a camper most of them are easy to make.
The name tasty travel came to my mind when thinking about my life. I travel in my camper to the most beautiful spots in Europe, but always must have a tasty meal or snack.
Love nature, animals and especially yourself. Enjoy life.