Broccoli Pasta, One-pot + Affordable recipe for on the road

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Easy and delicious Broccoli Pasta

This broccoli pasta is perfect to create while traveling. It is easy, and you only need one pot to create it. You can meal prep this recipe or create it in bulk, so you have enough for the next day. This recipe creates 4 big portions or 6 smaller ones. You can eat this vegan pasta for lunch or dinner. It is perfect to create when you get visitors, since most people will enjoy this Broccoli Pasta. In case you want to change up the recipe, read below to find my alternatives for this recipe.

Looking for a summer Pasta recipe? Then this cold Pasta Pesto Salad is perfect.

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Alternatives for the ingredients

You could change this recipe in multiple ways to create a slightly different taste.

  • Vegan minced meat; Instead of using the minced meat, you could also use vegan chicken pieces for this recipe.
  • Soy cream; Can’t find soy cooking cream in the supermarket? No problem, use 200ml of soy milk instead.
  • Nutritional yeast; This ingredient is the cheese flavor, if you are not able to find it or want to use something else. You could use vegan cheese instead. Vegan pasta cheese or vegan Gouda style cheese will work perfect with the same quantities as the nutritional yeast.
  • Vegetable bouillon; You can use your favorite vegetable bouillon or cubes with the same amount of water. If you use unsalted vegetable bouillon, I would advise adding in 1/2 a teaspoon of salt to the recipe.
  • Sides; Want to add something light to this meal? A simple salad with lettuce, cucumber, and tomato would work perfect to lighten up this meal.

With all these variations, you can create your perfect meal. Now it is time to cook!

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This Cozy Pasta recipe is also perfect to create on the road. Try it out!

Difficulty: Beginner Prep Time 5 mins Cook Time 25 mins Total Time 30 mins
Servings: 6


How to make

  1. Cutting

    Dice the onions and finely chop the garlic. Cut the Broccoli in bigger chunks.

  2. Sauté

    Start by adding the olive oil to the pan. Add the vegan minced meat, onions and garlic. Sauté until the onions are soft and the minced meat is cooked, approximately 5 minutes.

  3. Combine

    Add in the broccoli and all other ingredients. These are the uncooked pasta, nutritional yeast, can of tomatoes, soy cream, vegetable bouillon and water. Stir it all together and let it cook 20 minutes. The pasta should be good to eat now. If not, add in more water. 

    The pasta is done and ready to be eaten, enjoy! You can store your leftovers in the fridge for the next day.
