Tasty Crispy Chocolate Snack
Need a quick CHOCOLATE snack? I got you covered. These Easy Crispy Chocolate Chunks are a great way to SATISFY your chocolate cravings. It is quick and easy to make and will last long in an airtight container, unless you do not eat it all right away. This is the PERFECT snack to make a BATCH of and always have it ready for yourself and visitors. You could change up this recipe as desired by using pecan, hazelnuts, cashew nuts or other nuts. You can also add in seeds or use white chocolate instead. Continue reading to find out how not to burn chocolate while melting it.

Melting Chocolate Without Burning It
Always wondered how you can easily melt chocolate without BURNING some of it? I got the trick for you. Melt the chocolate according to the Au-Bain Marie method. This goes as followed: add water to a pan and let it boil, turn down the heat to low and put a heat safe bowl with the chocolate on top of the pan. The method is in the picture above. The evaporated water will heat up the bowl and let the chocolate melt. This EASY method will prevent the chocolate to burn while melting. Watch out with picking up the bowl from the pan, because it will be very hot. The melted chocolate will smell and taste amazing and is ready to use in any recipe that calls for it.
Now that you know this trick, it is time to try it out. The rest of the recipe is simple and straightforward, and you will create TASTY snacks. The only bad part about this recipe is that you have to wait until the chocolate cooled down completely to eat it. So what are you waiting for? Go make these Easy Crispy Chocolate Chunks.
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Crispy Chocolate Chunks, Easy Snack to make while Traveling
- 200 g Vegan chocolate
- 3 cup cornflakes
- 2 cup cocoa rice pops
- 1 cup almonds
- The chunks are easy to make. Add the cornflakes and cocoa rice pops together in a bowl. Chop the almonds in big pieces and add them to the bowl as well.
- Melt the chocolate by using the Au-Bain Marie method, see description above. When the chocolate has melted completely and is smooth, add it to the mixture of the nuts and cornflakes. Mix the chocolate well with the flakes and add the mixture to a plate with baking paper.
- To finish the recipe, you need to harden the chocolate. The easiest way is to put the plate in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. When the chocolate is hardened, break the big plaque in smaller chunks and enjoy them. Store them airtight and make sure to avoid the sun otherwise they will melt